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Project Fireball

Many thanks to Ry who did the video work (including most of this page), as well as helping with the tests.

631 is a particular type of FlashTek explosive which is impact sensitive and can be reliably detonated with a centerfire rifle.  This explosive was used to disperse and vaporize the fuel (ordinary gasoline).  It was hoped that it would also ignite the fuel but the high temperatures are very short lived.  Therefore additional materials were experimented with to provide an ignition source after the fuel was mixed with the air. 

The series 1 videos are from uncompressed video. The series 2 videos are from compressed video. The series 1 videos may be of higher quality than the series 2 videos. If you can tell the difference, let me know.
With 1 gallon of gasoline on top of 1 pint of 631 +:

Blast 00: Titanium: 1 2
Blast 01: Steel Wool: 1 2
Blast 02: Aluminum Foil: 1 2
Blast 03: Aluminum Powder: 1 2
Blast 04: Thermite: 1 2

With no gasoline, just 631 + :
Blast 05: Aluminum Foil: 1 2
Blast 06: Nothing: 1 2

Here we wanted to verify that the Titanium was actually causing the fireball, so there is a gallon of gasoline in this one:
Blast 07: Titanium: 1 2

WMV compilation: windows only
Ti powder & gas
Ti powder & gas
Thermite & gas
Al powder & gas
Steel wool & gas
Al foil & gas
Al foil

horizontal rule

Last update: June 02, 2002
Email: Joe Huffman