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Boomershoot 2004 Preparation
Target bodies and Xenia
The short (2 inch) tubes used for the target bodies just arrived and Xenia poses on top of them.
Target bodies prepared by Xenia
One end of the four inch diameter target bodies have been glued into place and are drying on the dining room table.
Joe and the empty magazine
Ry was the target meister
Chemicals by the truck load
The ammonium nitrate stayed in the truck uncovered too long and got damp. It stuck to the bed of the truck and required mechanical assistance to be removed.
Ry and Paul put in ungodly hours
Paul and Ry -- more target making
Tim and Lisa
Tim and Lisa brought their camping trailer for us the Sunday before. During the event Ry and his kids slept in it, Xenia used it for baby sitting and it was just generally a wonderful thing to have onsite.
Ben assembling 8" targets
Kim, Colin, Ben, Rolf, Tim
Paul making explosives
Kim, Colin, Paul, Ry, and Tim
The stake pounding crew takes a break
Empty stakes at the 380 yard line
Magazine as full as it got
Ben posing in front of the nearly full magazine
Ready to deliver
Dennis's 4-wheeler and trailer made a huge difference.